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Keeping you updated with
the latest global trends

Generation Z
Generation Z

Generation Z. Also called Net Generation, Gen Tech, Digital Native, Post Millennials, and Zoomers… Generation Z ...

David David   15/10/2020   Read More
The spiritual day of Easter
The spiritual day of Easter

Easter Sunday is one of the most festive events among Christians worldwide. It commemorates Jesus Christ’s ...

David David   12/04/2020   Read More
The Corona Virus, COVID-19
The Corona Virus, COVID-19

Nearly 320,000 people all around the world had been infected by the new CORONAVIRUS in near ...

David David   23/03/2020   Read More
Time Poverty Is The Most Significant Poverty In The UK.
Time Poverty Is The Most Significant Poverty In The UK.

Time poverty is a type of poverty which affects us all. The daunting idea of running ...

David David   14/07/2019   Read More
Santa is on his way but you should not have to wait too long
Santa is on his way but you should not have to wait too long

The Christmas season is a time filled with joy, excitement and hopefulness for the New Year. ...

Charles Charles   13/12/2018   Read More

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