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Climate change protest ‘The Time is Now’ descends in Westminster, London




On Wednesday 26th June, thousands of people attended a protest campaign in Westminster London. Thousands of people, including primary school children and members of the Women’s Institute, have lobbied MPs, calling for urgent action to tackle the climate emergency and critical loss of nature. They were calling for the government to address environmental issues including plastic and air pollution and damage to natural habitats.

The Time Is Now lobby comes after months of growing environmental protests, from school strikes to actio­­ns by members of Extinction Rebellion, and increasing warnings of the need for unprecedented action to tackle the global climate.

Gareth Redmond-King, head of climate change at WWF, said: “Public concern is at its highest level. It is a mainstream issue. There are lots of organisations working hard to raise the profile and focus their MPs’ minds on policies and actions to make sure we take action.”

Sadiq Khan, The Mayor of London has announced: “I support the 15,000 campaigners who have come to London today to demand urgent action on climate change. I’ve worked to reinstate London as a global leader on climate action and made a commitment for London to be a zero-carbon city by 2050. “

Now, this is the time that we as Londoners take action ourselves. Businesses and individuals should put all their best towards cultralising and helping the city become greener and more efficient. Peyk is an ambitious startup aiming to revolutionalise and change delivery service in the country. This startup has a strong belief they can be 100% green and efficient by 2024. Currently, over 80% of Peyk’s drivers (Peykers) are bicycle and electric bikes. There is an estimate of 5,800 KG CO2 emissions saved by Peyk annually. Peyk has many strategic implementations in its operation to encourage and support its Peykers to use e-bikes and bicycles instead of petrol/diesel bikes. Some of the implementations are additional signup promotions, extra delivery bonuses, free bicycle repair campaigns, extra credit