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20th March: International day of happiness




The day of happiness was founded in 2006 by CEO of the United Nations with the goal to focus on what we have in common rather than differences.

It can be a remembrance for everyone from all around the world that happiness is more beautiful if we stay together without thinking about differences in language, skin colour, believes or the residence.

So what is happiness? What does it mean?

There are some common definitions by different sources but at first it seems that everyone needs to get back in his/her inside to think and ask what would make me happy? What does happiness mean to me? What is the most meaningful term which I need to reach?

Some answers would be as: having fun in a party, having strong and supportive family, taking new experiences, making big changes in life, eating delicious food, making a lot of money, being in a true live with someone, living in a luxury house, buying the thing you like to have and etc..

It seems that different characters would feel happiness in different ways.

How do you know you are a happy person?

There are so many different faces which may influence your daily mood but the two of the most important ones are personal life and work life. In my own idea, everyone needs to see if his/her personal life and work life are in the exact way toward his/her predefined goals, if yes then it would make anyone feels satisfied and also feel happiness.


Some signs to identify happy people:

  • Feel deeply satisfied
  • Are not afraid of change
  • Trust themselves
  • Enjoy simple things
  • Have sufficient sleep
  • Live in the moment
  • Do not take life seriously
  • Have daily exercises


If you are a happy person, this will surely has some positive effects on your biological and mental health.

A large number of researches shows that being happy does not just make you feel better, it simply lead you to have a bunch of potential health benefits. You will have a healthy lifestyle, you will be able to overcome stress and anxiety and finally your heart will be protected. Your immune system will be stronger and the brain will release Dopamine and Serotonin when a joyous happens. Some scientists call Serotonin as the HAPPINESS CHEMICHAL because the amount of this is directly linked to the mood levels. Dopamine will increase one’s ability to concentrate more efficient and also help memory system to remember memories better. Dopamine also has a direct positive effect on sleeping quality.


Peyk wishes all the happiness in all the different parts of the world for all the human kind.

Happy International Happiness day!