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Protect it, #JustPeykIt




Ben Stan has been a customer of Peyk for a while now. He has used the app to get various items sent across, such as his wallet, laptop charger and even homemade cake(s). However, he has encountered a problem when he was sending his friend a set of keys that had been forgotten behind. He had to change the delivery location once it was accepted, as he has forgotten to check with his friend if he was at home.

 I just requested a Peyker to come and pick up the forgotten keys from my house and deliver them to my friend’s house, but the problem was that my friend was not at home. I didn’t check with him before sending the keys, so I had to do something to change the address. To resolve the issue, I contacted the driver and asked him to go to the current location of my friend, which was his workplace. The driver was very kind and understanding, thus the problem I had was sorted in a matter of minutes. I love using Peyk, simply because there is a policy of delivering the package to the person and not the place, which helps to minimise the risk of failing to receive the package on time if not at all.

The Wednesday after Thanksgiving is National Package Protection Day, a day that raises awareness on the importance of ensuring that packages and parcels are kept safe and secure in their journey in being delivered to the customer. With the festive season fast approaching and people making more online purchases, ensuring that packages are safely delivered to the correct location has never been more important.
Nevertheless, at Peyk its employees treat everyday as though it is a Package Protection Day. Any document or parcel that is delivered through Peyk is implemented with a unique security label and seal. In addition, the Peyk mobile app allows customers to track the exact location of their parcel through its journey to the final destination. Also, the final recipient of the package must sign with a digital signature to further legitimise the order.


Research conducted by the Citizens Advice Bureau found that more than 1 in 5 UK customers had a parcel go missing and 28% had their parcels left in an unsecured location, making it more susceptible to being stolen. To prevent such incidents, Peyk has prescribed and sustained an ethos of delivering a document or package to the person and not the place, this way the customers do not have to experience the risk of not receiving their package and having to perform the excruciating and lengthy task of tracking its location. Missing packages can cause individual costs that in many cases cannot be retrieved, this is particularly resonant in our correct climate where time and money are regarded as the most valuable assets by human beings.

It is the absolute duty at Peyk to ensure that packages are handled with the most care and respect at the level expected and regarded by the customer.
