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The Childhood Trust and Peyk




This December, Peyk will be partnering with The Childhood Trust in an effort to spread seasonal joy to the children of London, who are the most vulnerable to the effects of poverty. Peyk will be assisting The Childhood Trust in the delivery of presents to the children of London because we believe that no child should be excluded from the festivity of Christmas.

According to statistics found by the Trust for London, 27% of people based in the capital of England are living in poverty at a significant high compared to the poverty rate of 21% which applies to the rest of the country. The Christmas season is a time of excitement for the vast majority of people. However,  there has been a research to demonstrate that poverty has been highlighted to be a key factor in why children do not look forward to or enjoy the Christmas period at 82%. A devastating figure, given that most of the activities that take place in the Christmas time are centered around children. Let us not forget the whole idea of Santa Claus was developed especially for children and that they should be the main ones who experience the enjoyment of a surprise.

Christmas is a time of giving and sharing with those around us, but that sharing should not be limited to those that we love and care for. It is also for the people that are not so fortunate in their lives as we are and that could use a helping hand. It can be throwing a few coins into the bell ringers bucket, it can be by giving time and work when we would rather be home relaxing, or it can be sending food to family and friends. Let’s just try and be kind to one another this December.

Peyk believes that no child should be excluded from the festivity of Christmas. Even the potential prospect of a present can provide a child with joy, something that will be cherished and remembered in the future. During Christmas time a simple gesture can mean a lot. Please help by donating to the Childhood Trust today http://www.childhoodtrust.org.uk/how-you-can-help.

Finally, Peyk wants to highlight that giving to others should not just be confined to the Christmas season. Let us not forget that suffering occurs on a daily basis and we should not ignore such pain. In the future, we hope to partner with The Childhood Trust to continue to provide and raise awareness towards such a poignant cause.